"Communication Emergency Disposal Platform Technical Specification" group standards passed certification - the State Administrat

On September 24th, the first group standard of the “Elevator Emergency Disposal Platform Technical Specification” (hereinafter referred to as “Technical Specification”) was approved by experts in Nanjing. This standard has provided technical support for improving the construction of China's elevator emergency response public service platform and standardizing emergency rescue services. It has also opened up new ways to improve the construction of regulations and standards system for special equipment, marking the standardization of China’s elevator emergency response work. track.


The number and safety status of elevators have become an indicator of the level of urban construction and management in the world. With the development of urbanization in China, the number of elevators has increased from 652,000 units in 2005 to 3.597 million units in 2014, an average annual increase of more than 20%. At present, China has the largest number of elevators in the world, annual production, and annual growth. The number of elevators used in the country has reached 1.4 billion. In the past 10 years, through the joint efforts of the quality supervision departments and enterprises, the total number of elevators in China has increased by 5.5 times, but the death rate per million elevator accidents has dropped from 0.49 to 0.13. The safe operation level of elevators has been increasing year by year, and it is close to the average level in developed countries.

Accelerating the construction of elevator emergency treatment platforms is not only an important part of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine's implementation of the “Elevator Safety Supervision Conference” in 2015, but also an important measure for quality inspection departments to serve the people's livelihood. To this end, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) has identified 25 pilot cities across the country to take the lead in building an elevator emergency service platform. At present, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Guangzhou and other cities have completed the construction of the “96333” elevator emergency treatment platform and have been put into operation. They have played an important role in timely response to fault alarms, scientific deployment of rescue forces, and quick rescue of trapped persons and other emergency response. Government support, social recognition and popular welcome.

The Technical Specification was jointly drafted by the China Special Equipment Safety and Energy Promotion Association together with the Hangzhou Special Equipment Emergency Disposal Center, Nanjing Quality Supervision Bureau, and the Guangzhou Elevator Safety Operation Monitoring Center. This is also China's special equipment safety and energy conservation promotion society as the group standards standard unit established by the National Standards Committee, and the first group standard to study and formulate.

Authoritative experts in the industry stated that the formulation and implementation of the “Technical Norms” group standards will promote the construction of China’s elevator emergency treatment platform, improve the level of emergency rescue services, statistically analyze the causes of elevator failures, formulate targeted preventive measures, and strengthen early warning monitoring of elevator risks, etc. All will play an important role.

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